

Tammy Pittman lives in Brooklyn, New York where she makes things, writes, walks and talks. She aspires to make objects that demonstrate a quality she calls ‘thingness’, a term she cannot quite explain. Her recent work includes the projects Adaptations and Infrastructure. She follows with one eye (two eyes are too much) the ways in which ‘nature’ as we know it is changing.

Her inspiration often comes from the unpredictable, unstable edge zones where nature and human produce clash. Her favorite such zone is along the southernmost stretch of the Mississippi River where industry and nature vie for dominance. She imagines a future in which nature absorbs the remains of human society, then unmakes and imaginatively remakes them until the random is replaced again by structure and form. 



Previous Lives:

Tammy was co-creative director of the interdisciplinary Brooklyn gallery Proteus Gowanus from 2007 until closing the gallery in 2015. She curated, produced and collaboratively developed dozens of exhibitions, projects and events in an exploratory mode that blurs boundaries between disciplines and invites participation.

Before that, she worked for non-profits, schools and hospitals, and as a nurse practitioner and journalist. She has more or less maintained an art practice throughout. She is a board member of Coming To The Table, a nonprofit organization dedicated to racial healing and justice.

Exhibitions: New Art/Mixed Media, Dean Street Gallery, Brooklyn 2006; Mend, Proteus Gowanus, Brooklyn (2015); Anba Dlo Festival, New Orleans (2016); Sediment, Gowanus Boathouse, Brooklyn (2018)